Earlier this year we had an appeal for second-hand football boots and the public really got behind this initiative and donated lots! Special thanks to Murieston United Football Club and to West Lothian Football Academy for hosting one of our red collection bins and reaching out to their players and families for donations. Not forgetting staff and customers are Tesco Linlithgow who ran an appeal too.

Our hard working volunteers, scrubbed, and tidied up the boots. We were able to re-distribute them to two very worthy projects. One of which was, Deans PS football festival.

We recently received a number of thank you cards in the post from the pupils and when we read them there wasn’t a dry eye in the house! Here is a snippet of what was said…

‘Thanks for the boots! They have helped a a lot! We managed to help people get full kits! People who were Kit-less are now Kit-full!’ 😭🥰

“I’m part of the football team and very grateful because I don’t have football equipment.”😭🥰

“I love my football boots, pads, socks and kit bag. I have been picked for the team too!” 😭🥰

#FootBallKits #GivingBackToTheCommunity #FootBallBootDrive #kitlesstokitfull #Inclusion #FeelingIncluded